Kevin Tsang, PhD Assistant Professor UCL


Medical Informatics Europe 2024, Athens, Greece. Aug 2024. “Enhancing Asthma Self-Management with Environmental Passive-Monitoring Data and Machine Learning-Based Predictions”

Centre for Medical Informatics PhD Forum, University of Edinburgh. Mar 2022. “Application of Data-Driven Technologies for Asthma Self-Management”

Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research PhD Meet 2021 [public facing], Hybrid London. Sep 2021. “Mobile Device Monitoring to Inform Prediction of Asthma Attacks: an Observational Study (AAMOS-00)”

Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research Research Seminar, Online. Jan 2021. “Mobile Device Monitoring to Inform Prediction of Asthma Attacks: an Observational Study (AAMOS-00)”

42nd Annual International Conferences of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2020), Montreal, Canada. Jul 2020. “Application of Machine Learning to Support Self-Management of Asthma with mHealth”