Kevin Tsang, PhD Assistant Professor UCL

Project: AAMOS-00

The AAMOS-00 data collection has completed with the help of our 32 participants across the UK. Together, we collected over 2,500 patient-days of data between April 2021 and June 2022 to form a rich dataset. Supported self-management empowering people with asthma to detect early deterioration and take timely action reduces the risk of asthma att... Read more

Walmart Sales Prediction Using XGBoost

In this Notebook, I use XGBoost (a machine learning) model to predict the weekly sales at Walmart across different stores and departments. My model achieved a mean absolute percentage error of 2.36% over 7 months of hold out data. Data consists of 421570 records of weekly sales from stores spanning between “05-Feb-2010” to “26-Oct-2012”. This ... Read more

Weather Dashboard (Power BI)

Introduction Power BI is a data visualisation tool. Here I produced a dashboard using the daily weather summaries of 2021 provided by the Met Office (based in the UK). By clicking on the different sites across the UK, you can see the weather as measured at the station. Data Processing There are two tables involved: one with the daily weathe... Read more

Wordle Assistant

Try it yourself Click here to open the app in a new tab You can also run this app locally by running the following code in R. shiny::runGitHub("wordle_assist", "kevinchtsang") Type in your word attempts and change the colours to match (grey - no match, yellow - in word, green - correct position) by clicking on the tiles. Getting sta... Read more

Turning Tables into Animations Using R

Introduction Presenting data with temporal and geographic features are often more engaging through animations and maps. This post will give a walkthrough on using R to extract the data from public sources, wrangle the data, and create an animation of a map. The data we will be using is the daily weather summaries of 2020 provided by the Met Of... Read more